Friday, October 5, 2018

Home School (part-2)

It has been quite a while since I was being home schooled my dog calendar it had almost been like 6..or 7months. But for humans it was a really small time like 2months and don't ask me how I know it...I can understand some of their language.I was taught the same things over and over and they got pretty damn clear in my mind and a bit boring too .. infact I could do these things with just hand signs I didn't even needed a command (you know right...I am smarter than my hooman😋 he can never understand my signs) . So one afternoon my teacher came and I was ready to drop and  roll (commandos style) and surprisingly he took my leash and opened the main door .I started jumping like a mad woman- excited because that usually meant a walk and I loved going out in the mud. So he put up my leash and took me out ..but it wasn't like any other day walking ..he was making me do things which I used to do in the house .. outside as well ..I was confused but when I did as he said know what I got❤😋tasty treats ,so I did it anyways ...then we went for a normal walk. I was tempted to take him to every good smelling place but he was too strong . Moreover my hooman was asked to stay in the house , so I knew my puppy eyes won't work for this teacher. So my cute hooman was peeping from the window looking at me trying to walk properly with my teacher. He was so proud of me🙈. He taught me things like how to to walk besides my hooman ,not behind or ahead of him , I should not pull the leash, not to eat anything from the ground( now this was a bummer😂) and lot of other stuff( I am too lazy to list down)..then after that controlled walking of which I wasn't a big fan of ..I was given some off leash time as well, just ran around in the building chasing cats and birds.
I  was schooled for yet another 5..6 months from my dog calender. Yeah don't ask me about human months.  I was so well taught that now i could even walk without a leash and not run around like I used to do before and also follow the command given to me without thinking about the treats.
I felt so proud being graduated.
And then my schooling came to end alas.

Homemade Dog Treat Recipes

Homemade Dog Treat Recipes Hi everyone!We're going to make frozen dog treats . So let’s get to it! So we are gonna start out with this f...